
Bakı - Böyük Kesik Railway Project

The Bakı-Böyük Kesik Railway Project is an integral part of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars international railway corridor project. The Inter Project is actively involved in the modernization, reconstruction, and development of the Baku-Böyük Kesik section, contributing to the overall enhancement of the corridor.

The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars route, which was inaugurated in 2018, holds immense strategic importance. It aims to revive the historical Silk Road by establishing a modern and efficient steel highway. Azerbaijan plays a significant role in this corridor, with 504 km of the total 846 km falling within its borders. Turkey and Georgia have respective shares of 263 km and 79 km along the route.


The Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway serves as a vital link for countries like China and other Central Asian nations to access global and European markets. It provides a convenient and efficient transportation route for the movement of goods, fostering international trade and economic cooperation.


The Bakı-Böyük Kesik Railway Project focuses on the design, supply, and installation of electrical systems, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the railway line. Additionally, the project encompasses the design, supply, and installation of communication signaling systems between the Baku and Böyük Kesik stations. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring effective communication and coordination between train operators, enhancing the safety and efficiency of train operations along the railway corridor.


By investing in the design, supply, and installation of electrical and communication signaling systems, the Bakı-Böyük Kesik Railway Project will contribute to the overall modernization and development of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars corridor. It will enable seamless connectivity, efficient transportation, and improved trade prospects, further boosting regional integration and economic growth.


In conclusion, the Bakı-Böyük Kesik Railway Project is a significant undertaking that aims to enhance the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars international railway corridor. Through the design, supply, and installation of electrical and communication signaling systems, the project will ensure the safe and efficient operation of the railway line. It will play a crucial role in facilitating trade, connectivity, and economic growth, benefiting not only Azerbaijan but also the entire region.